This web site was sponsored
in loving memory of
Moshe Rafael ben Yehoshua
in honor of
Maara bat Chana.
May she continue to enjoy much Naches (Jewish Joy)
from all her children
in full health
for many happy years.
* * * * * * * *
In loving Memory of
Yonina bat Menachem
Asher Mordechai ben Moshe
Reaching Out helps Jewish prisoners cope with the fears and anxieties prior to going to jail and the obstacles and hurdles while in prison. Prison can be a terrible experience. Being Jewish and in prison can be even harder.
Reaching Out does not judge. As followers of the teachings of the Chabad/Lubavitch Rebbe, namely to love each and every Jew, we help all Jewish men and women prisoners, in federal, state, city, county and immigration facilities. Your religious background does not matter to us. Our only interest is in providing support to you, our fellow Jew, and to your family in what may possibly be the hardest thing you have to go through.
If you know a Jew in an American jail; or if you are Jewish and about to enter the prison system; or if you are a family member of a Jew about to surrender, or you are already in jail; this website can provide the information you need. If you can't find the answer here, please contact us.
In this country, there are laws protecting everyone's religious and civil rights. Going to prison does not mean that you have lost your religious or civil rights. The prison system can appear to be complex for anyone in prison. We simplify things for the Jewish prisoner. While we offer no legal services, we can help in all other aspects.
There is no cost for our providing help, although donations are always welcome.
Help a Jew in prison and press the Donate button now.